Aug 17, 2010

Productivity, Sentences & Kitty Time

Not too much to report today.  I'm feeling very tired this evening, but it's the kind of tired that comes after a productive day.  I got a lot done that I'd been putting off...catching up on work emails (a mere 91 in my box for the month), doing filing at home, clearing out/organizing little nooks & crannies here and there.  Overall, I feel very tired but light as a feather having done all on my to do list :)  I'll sleep very well tonight!

A couple of noteworthy comments on Carson's World from today...

~ We've got a new favorite song...Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes.  She's got the movements down and sings along.  She LOVES to sing!  A close second these days is Ring Around the Rosie.  Coming in third (at equal levels of enjoyment) are The Wheels on ths Bus (the baby crying 'waa waa' is her favorite verse but she also does great on 'swish swish' for the wipers) and Jesus Loves the Little Children.  Here is Carson's rendition of the latter...the words she chimes in on are in pink ;) 

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world!
Red and black, black and 'lellow',
They are precious in His sight!
Jesus loves the little children of the world!

(For the record...I know the lyrics and the color verse isn't a typo.  She says only the words black and yellow for some reason.  It's funny.)

~ So, we've been noticing Carson use much more "sentences" lately...which in our world means more than one word strung together.  But she just seemed to grow leaps and bounds in a matter of hours.  Maybe today was just a talkative day, but using only one word is pretty much a thing of the past.  Everything is "Carson want it!" or "I do it!" or "Carson, me, me do it!"  She is referring to herself ALLLLLLL the time now.  I love that she says her name so clearly.  It's so darn cute.  "No mama, Carson.  Carson do it."

~ Tonight Carson wanted to play with Jacie the fat cat in a BIG way.  We finally got her to come see us (well...we met her halfway!) and she must have played with that cat for at LEAST an hour straight.  She would tell us, "Shhhh!  Kitty!" "Pat, pat."  She meowed with her, looked in her face and said, "Oh Jacie!", patted her, kissed her and REALLLLYYYY wanted to pick her up.  For those of you who've had the priviledge of meeting Jacie the cat, you know she is F-A-T.  She is seriously probably near Carson's weight.  The poor baby just wanted to hold that cat in her lap!  "Carson hold it.  Carson want it!  Carson want it! UP! UP!"  The heavy factor combined with Jacie having NO desire to sit in Carson's lap equaled a very sad Carson when Jacie decided she'd had enough.  We had to distract her with The Upside Down Show.

~ Carson continues to refuse to pray before meals without all of the family at the table holding hands.

~ Carson's upper canine/eye teeth are poking through!  They broke through a couple of days ago and are really shining through now.  I can feel one on the bottom barely showing it's pearly self and the other side is swollen and ready...I figure by the end of next week we'll have four brand new teeth!  I had NO idea she was cutting them until I was flossing her teeth the other day and found one.  Not a hint of discomfort or fussiness from it.  Yay!

~ Last, but not least, Carson got a sucker from the allergist the other day and I tucked it away to save for a moment I really needed it.  LOL!  I had to make a phone call today, so it was needed.  She ate that sucker clean off the stick with not a drop of sticky on her.  She just sat on the couch (am I brave or WHAT?!) and watched Nick Jr. while I made my call.  Nothing left but the stick.

In other family was John's first day back to school.  He's been having LOTS of band practice for three weeks now though, so it really didn't seem like much of a change.  I must admit, I am jealous when he comes home with stories/updates/happenings from McMichael.  I LOVE my new job, but I'm one of three faculty members in our department and everyone kind of just keeps to themselves.  There's no work room snacks for birthdays, no encouraging/uplifing notes in our boxes, no complaining about how long the day is as I pass friends in the hall...there's just not that family spirit in my new job and I MISS IT!  I miss knowing what's going on with everyone...who got married, who's having a baby, who's got a new position, etc.  John came home with news from every one of those categories and I'm just plain ol' jealous! :-/ 

Tomorrow, he'll be traveling on a lovely big yellow bus with all the other teachers to see all the neighborhoods where their students live.  I'm sure that will be an eye-opening experience, as most of the schools in NISD are Title I schools (low socioeconomic status for the majority of students).  Some of the neighborhoods will be normal (our home is in McMichael zone), but some will be downright poverty stricken.  I think all teachers should do this!  What a great way to gain perspective on your students.

I miss work friends and all the "teachery" activities of Back-to-School.  John thought I was nuts yesterday when I told him I actually LIKE staff development.  It's true!  (Sidenote...he and I have discussed the fact that band directors are typically not team players and this bugs me, most especially when he makes band directorish comments!)'s allllll so worth it to be home more with Carson AND to absolutely LOVE my job.  I've said it before and I'll say it again...I sometimes feel guilty getting paid for what I do! :)  It's food for my soul to love what I'm doing and have the cherry on top of being less stressed and having more time with my Ladybug.

Happy Tuesday everyone!


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