Aug 15, 2010

Sweet Summertime

Today, we headed out to Hemphill when John got off work (yep, working on a Saturday!) to squeeze a little bit more summer out of August! We had a great time swimming, playing with bubbles and having yummy chili dogs (minus the beef for Carson!)

As you can see from the pictures, Carson is a girly girl in every way! She loves getting all decked out. She had her cap, her shades and her “make up” (a sunscreen face stick) and she was ready to go! As we were getting ready to head outside, she would go stand at the door and say, “Let go! Let go!” After a few seconds and we weren’t at the door, she’d come to find us and start over again. She was READY to swim! (Which she now says “sim” instead of the previous “ ‘wim” of earlier summer swims.)

The very first thing she noticed was Nana’s bubble machine!!! Man, does our child love BUBBLES! We heard “Bubbles! Bubbles! Pop, pop!” over and over :) I’m pretty sure Nana will need to break out that bubble machine every time we visit now. Hehe!

Every time we go swimming, Carson gets a bit more brave in the water. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing! Today’s developments…putting her FACE IN the water and blowing bubbles. She LOVED it! We didn’t get a great picture of it, but just take my word for it! She is also getting much better/braver with putting her body in and kicking and moving her arms around at the same time. My Dad is great with taking her around and getting her to kick and do arm movements. Mom told me today that he used to give swim lessons! What?! I love finding out things about my parents that I never knew before. Ha! And she now JUMPS off the deck and into someone’s arms in the pool. Before, she just kind of leaned forward and we caught her pretty much a couple inches away. She now fully jumps off. Cute and SCARY at the same time (for Mama, not Carson).

Trying to catch Papa's bubbles!

Kick, kick, kick!

Snack time! :)

Nana bought Carson's favorite candy..."twizers" (not a typo...that's how Carson says it)!

Sweet moment with Daddy at the swing…

Love Sarah’s face in this one. Goofy girl.

What a GREAT summer day! I think we may need to try to squeeze one (or two!) more swims at Nana & Papa’s in before summer ends.

Here is a pic taken before we left for Hemphill. It finally happened…Carson managed to snatch some of my make-up and smear it on before I caught her. It’s hard to tell in this picture, but her whole right side of her face was “make-upped”. She was very proud of herself for the successful snatching and application, as you can see from her expression. I’m sure it’s a first of many…


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