Aug 6, 2010

Ms. Artsy & Her Mama, Mrs. Crafty :)

We are experimenting with various arts and crafts to keep our last month of summer interesting (and because Mama is tired of making Carson spit out bits of eaten crayons!) Hopefully, this is first in a series of fun projects!  I'm thinking we'll attempt edible play dough tomorrow.  I finally found a recipe that doesn't use peanut butter! :)

(Once again, excuse our hair.  Carson was post nap and we're also very shaggy at the moment.)

Getting ready to make our foam visor! :)  That darn camera flash made us blink again!  Hehe!

Carson picked out the visor, the color and the stickers.  I'm serious!  Did you know there is an entire aisle in Hobby Lobby devoted to nothing but foam crafts???  Carson wanted the "hat!" and when asked what color..."pink!" (surprising because she usually says purple for any color choice).  She also pointed to these specific "fowers".  There were lots of different kinds.  I'd hold them up and she'd say, "No!  FOWER!" as if I could figure out just by her tone which particular package of flowers she wanted.  Is that just like a woman or what?! :)

Mama, this is fun!

She really did do it by herself!  Fun stuff!

Expanding the craft to her shirt...

This is what she did when I said, "Put your hat on and let Mama get a picture!"

How does this sticker work???

The Finished Product! :)
(Carson placed all the flowers on...All I did was add the centers.)

Carson's attention span with her hat was pretty good...She managed to get the flowers on it pretty quickly.  She had more fun dipping into the sticker bowl and scattering flowers all around, in and out, etc.  She played for a LONG time with her "fowers".  But eventually she did get tired of the flowers and moved on to bigger and better crafty things.............(these pictures need no captions - they speak for themselves!)

Yes, the markers are washable :)

When I showed Carson her reflection in the mirror, she scrunched up her nose and said, "Mess."  LOL!  Yep, she's my child!  Stay tuned for our next crafy installment......


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