Aug 19, 2010

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily... Life is But a Dream

Today was full of odds and ends…kind of a lazy one, really :) Just a couple of things to report…

~ Carson, you have (yet another) new favorite song of the day. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. It’s very cute. You sing the “Row, row, row…” part, but your favorite part is “Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…” I then say the “Life is but a….” and you finish “Deeeeeeeeeeem!” Oh yes, my baby girl, our life IS a dream :)

~ I’m almost always “Mama”. Today, you almost exclusively called me “Mommy”. Melts my heart.

~ You made about a zillion messes today. Okay…maybe three. Here are pics of the two biggies…

Muffiny mess.  You even declared, "Mamaaaaa!  Messssss!"
And all I did was turn my back to go get you some milk. Lordy, lordy.

This is how you were keeping busy while I made dinner.  I've GOT to find latches that work for those drawers!  You dumped out every single card deck we have, lickety split..then shuffled them all together into a big ol' card stew.  Again...lordy, lordy!  Haha!

~ You also had to sit in time out twice today :( But you are very obedient about it and sat both times for your entire minute, said “soweeee” after with a hug and kiss. Both times you were sent to the time out spot because you mixed up all the cards I was trying to sort through from your card mess (after two warnings). I sure do hate it, but I know it’s for your own good and so far you VERY rarely need it.

~ Bedtime tonight. Oh. My. Goodness. This was a mess, too! You got it in your head that you did NOT want to sleep tonight. I rocked you, I sang, I counted, I walked and walked and rocked a little more. Nothing. If I closed my eyes you’d say, “Lake up! Mama! Lake up!” You learned this phrase today :) You would cup my face in your hands and say, “Mama. Hug. Kiss. Mommy.” FINALLY…after about my millionth prayer for God to send you some quiet and peace, you fell asleep. Whew! After all that “mess” of a bedtime, though, the ending was sweet bliss. You…sound asleep on my shoulder with just a slight little grin and look of utter peace and relaxation. My Angel Girl. The rainbow after a storm.

Overall, little moments today reminded me that our life IS merry and dreamy…despite the little messes along the way. Sleep tight my Angel Girl.


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