Aug 13, 2010

A Craft, a Snack & a Kitty Cat Chat

This afternoon, John had his band parent meeting so Carson and I needed an activity to keep us busy while we waited for him to get back (in other words…we were bored!) We decided to make a handprint Christmas ornament. Nana gave this to us back in January :-/ But we did it! Isn’t that what counts?

Carson only ate the “dough” (it was really more like a really light putty) once, decided it was nasty, then enjoyed just playing in it!!! Play dough…we’re getting close!

She looks critical of her work...check out those eyebrows :)

My child both delights in a mess (from her Dad's genes) and also in cleaning up (obviously from her Mama)....But I'm pretty sure she likes the mess more!

I had to get in on the fun, too!  Isn't he cute?  Carson called him "my man" (and I am soooo serious!  LOL!)  She got very upset with me when I threw "my man" in the trashcan!  "No tash!  My man, my man!" 

Finished product (almost).  It takes 2 - 3 days to dry :(

After our “play dough” session and handprint craft, Carson had her favorite frozen snack…BLUEBERRIES! She’s in love with frozen blueberries. I love this picture because she is licking her thumb clean. Adorableness.

And after our snack, Carson had a quick chat with Jacie, the fat cat. Jace is becoming more and more like, “Whatever…” each day. She’s giving up. Haha!

A few cute things you did today...

~  When you woke up you asked for kisses.  First, "Tiss foot!" Kiss foot one.  Kiss foot two.  Next, "Tiss Hand!"  Kiss hand one and hand two.  Then the cuteness...."FACE!!!" You planted a kiss right on my lips! :)  Awwwww!

~ You can now say your full name, but not all at once.  Before you were saying, "Tarson".  Now, you use the "c" sound and say "Carson".  When we ask you your name, you'll say, "Carson Book!"  If we say, "Your name is Carson Brooke............" you'll finish, "Kennon!"  It is so clear!  Sweet girl.

~ You now will not say the blessing at meals or your nighttime prayers unless you hold both mine AND Daddy's hands.  Precious moments.  Most of the time, you request a second blessing somewhere in the middle of a meal.  This usually requires lots of extra hand wiping for the adults afterward :)))

~ You request MANYYYY times a day to, "Write name!"  You can sort of say the letters of your name in order lady :)

~ I was attempting to call Jacie the cat to us today and I was patting the spot beside us and making clicking sounds with my tongue.  You're my little parrot!...You did the exact same thing!

~ You grow smarter, sweeter and more beautiful every single day!  We love you!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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